Our PhiLings Palette consists of two anti-ageing, rejuvenating and bio-regenerative complementary and equally important treatments that can be used in combination or separately – Microneedling and Phi-Ion.
In our PhiLings trainings, we deal with both of these to the same extent and we train you to be able to properly combine and use them professionally.
PhiLings Advanced training is an online training intended to perfect PhiLings techniques and get familiar with different possibilities of device applications and use in different body and face changes.
PhiLings Advanced perfection training can be attended by students who already have PhiLings Basic certificate.
Application techniques – Combination Microneedling and Phi-Ion
Combination technique treatment:
- Hyperpigmentations
- Stretch marks
- Scars
- After Care
In order to obtain PhiLings Artist Certificate, the students are required to do at least 10 successful treatments documented with photos (before/during the treatment/immediately after the treatment/final result).
We provide our students with:
– continuous support through our Craft Master application for online studying 3 months
– plenty of video materials with detailed instructions on how to perform the treatments.
STARTER KIT containing the following:
- Scars needling gel 5/1 — 2 bags
- Spots needling gel 5/1 — 2 bags
- Body needling gel 5/1 — 2 bags
- Hair Growth serum 5 pieces
- Skin Candy Scar Protection 9 pieces
- Skin Candy Sun & Sweat Protection 9 pieces
- PhiWipes Asept 20 pieces
(cosmetics for minimum 30 treatments)
The course covers the following topics to make sure the students get the right skills and confidence to perform the treatments:
– Theory on skin structure and characteristics of specific facial and body skin areas
– Determining different skin types
– Recognising characteristic skin conditions
– Assessing the clients eligibility to undergo the treatment
– Hygiene and sterility